Welcome to

The Pleasure Studio

Take a peek here

My mission is always to..

support my clients from feeling disempowered, disconnected, unsure, numb, and even bored with sex to turned the fuck on, alive, powerful, and pleasure-filled.


You see, sex is not an act that we do.

It is a place we go to with our vulnerability, our emotions, and our desires.

Are you ready to say YES to feeling alive & having confidence in and outside of the bedroom? 

If so,

Then I have got you, lover.


For her..

No matter what age

a woman is,

she holds value & requires to be

A Pleasure Filled Woman

Are you ready to reclaim your divine birthright to feel alive, orgasmic & turned the fuck on, no matter what your age or relationship status?

I am here to let you know that your Pleasure is not optional gorgeous woman.

Not only is pleasure our birthright, but it is at the core of our health, wealth, wellbeing and happiness. 

Get my free video on the three important truths about pleasure!

Free Video Here!

My 120-day 1:1 immersion takes you from self-abandon, numbed to pleasure, having lukewarm sex to owning your orgasm, passion, power & eroticism.

If you are ready to choose yourself, create more connection and pleasure in your life, gain a deeper understanding of men, and are ready to be satisfied, fulfilled, and excited by your sex life no matter what your age or relationship status,

My Pleasure Filled Woman 1:1 coaching program is for you.


Apply Here

S. ~ USA

I am so incredibly grateful for Melissa and our work together. Not only has she helped me change my relationship with sex and love, but also my work, my creativity, and the world.

She created such a profound container based on trust, presence, and acceptance that allowed me to heal in so many ways.


"Melissa is a phenomenal coach who helped me unlock my true potential. Her expertise and personalized approach made all the difference in my personal growth journey. She truly understands how to help clients overcome their challenges and achieve their goals with daily practices and tools. Melissa's empathy, kindness, and professionalism make her an absolute gem. If you're looking for a coach who can help you grow, Melissa is your person!"

Melissa. USA

Book your discovery call here

For him

Man Unleashed


Lover, did you know that you are more powerful, become more trustworthy, experience deeper love, gain more freedom, and make more money by lasting longer in bed?


Unfortunately, most men never learn the ancient divine art of love, masculine power, and true ecstatic intimacy! 


It is time to ditch your addiction to porn have Raging Stamina, Core Confidence, Personal Power in your Ejaculation Choice, make More Money, be Strong in your Mission in life and be the guy she Trusts & Can't Get Enough of.

Get my free video about the 8+ different orgasms available to you!

Free Video Here!


What if you knew that in 120 days you can go from feeling emasculated and lost in your relationships with women to being confident, loved, desired & respected with a new found sense of freedom and power in and out of the bedroom?

 Great Lovers Are Not Born, 

They Are Made.

This is the foundation of your freedom.


If this is something you want for yourself & your relationship then go ahead and apply to work with me 1:1 below. I look forward to hearing for you.

Apply Here!

Live group program for men starting

April 22nd

Join us here

Richard ~ USA

Melissa is an extraordinary woman. She sees everyone with a caring, curious and passionate eye and listens with her heart backed by tremendous wisdom, experience, and presence that far exceeds one lifetime. Her intuition is profound and her ability to transform every moment into a sense of play transforms everything into a paradigm. She honors the old stories while playfully, sensually inviting and celebrating the new one creating a new reality and sense of self.

She guided me to open up new pathways of pleasure, receptivity and presence helping me understand, love, honor and more deeply connect to my beautiful masculine energy, sexuality, and body. 

For Couples

There is a very misguided idea that sex should just “happen” and come naturally once we are in a relationship. 

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Is the connection ( or lack of ) in your relationship draining you or is it fueling you?

The true purpose of a relationship is to nourish, heal and create greatness with your connection, intimacy, and sex at the core. Not as an afterthought, memory, or hope.

Just as we accept that other significant areas in our lives such as career, fitness, health, and spirituality need our time and attention turned towards them for continued evolution, the sexual & intimate connection between oneself and partner is so often left on the shelf.

The one thing that started your union is placed in the background.

It is so common and too often accepted.

More Information Here!


If you are wanting to dip your toes in you can check out my self-paced evergreen course for couples,

"Deeper Relating

Join Here

Melissa created a very safe space for both of us to be vulnerable and helped us to reveal parts of ourselves that needed so desperately to be shared, which is really saying something, as my partner and I have been in love for 8 years and we communicate & “dive deep” together as it is, so it was incredible to have Melissa there to push the envelope of vulnerability and sharing.

She reminded us that our pleasure is our own right and responsibility- not each others, and also provided us with practical ways to work through our own healing and our relationship, creating more space for love/sex/magic in the chaos of the world. Having practical advice for pleasurable experiences in life is possible, and Melissa provided us with this and so much more. I’ve been singing her praises to my girlfriends, and even my guy friends and I really believe that this powerhouse woman’s insights could change the world as we know it - through self-empowerment, mastering our orgasm, prioritizing our pleasure and diving deeper into our own mind/body/soul’s connection.”

-Sarafina & Garrett (Scottsdale, AZ)

Crystal ~ Canada

After removing my hormonal IUD I lost my orgasm! It totally died and my vagina felt dead. Then I found Melissa. Hiring her for 3 months was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. She helped me get my orgasm BACK!!!!

After 3 months I’m celebrating steamy nights in the sack with my hubby... with back-arching orgasms again. But she helped me in far more ways than just my sex life. 

She’s helped me get success in my business decisions, how to speak to men PROPERLY  To get them to love worshiping and supporting me, and be a better mom to my boys. I had revelation after revelation during my sessions with Melissa.

Aaron ~ Ecstatic OYC Graduate

"First off, I want to say that anything Melissa puts out is brilliant! Since discovering her work, my life has changed in ways that were unexpected. Her Occupy Your C*ck course is the creme de la creme of all her programs

It has caused me to "burn the fucking couch" and rebuild my life from the ground up and to not only hold, but own that Masculine edge, allowing me to forge a life step by step that continues to amaze me to this day

Before you do anything else, get unto this program, be transformed and then you can pass GO, collect your $200 and make your world the playground of the Gods!"

Simone ~ UK

Through Melissa's coaching, I have found so much balance and harmony within myself. I have learned more than I could ever write. My confidence in my wisdom, my spirit, and in my body has way surpassed any expectations I ever had of myself, since working with her I can now trust my intuition and my cycle, do sex magic, download messages straight from spirit, and enjoy pleasure in my body like never before.  I own and have power over my sexuality and it gives me so much life!

This is all thanks to Melissa opening up the doorway, her care and attention, her love, her passion, and her ability to hold space with no judgment were all incredibly healing and inspiring.

I've learned so much from her and the lessons continue, even after the coaching has ended. I still find nuggets of wisdom from her in the back of my mind. If you're thinking of working with her, you certainly won't regret it, she is pure passion, sass, and magic!

Take a peek here

 WOMEN's join my newsletter here at get my free video on the 3 most important truths about your pleasure.

MEN's join my newsletter here and get my free video all about the 8 different types of orgasms available to you.

About Me

One of my claims to fame is that I  was hired by the owners of Penthouse in Sydney 18 yrs ago to teach their girls how to make a man last longer so they would make more money!

Which they did.

I Support and guide my clients using ancient Daoist and tantric techniques, Revolutionary Erotic Blueprint work and Accelerated Evolution processes so they can live a vibrant and sensual filled life. 

I am here to  decriminalize human sexuality and shatter the often dangerous veil surrounding sexuality, intimacy and our bodies so that everyone has access to true, sacred, guilt-free sexual and menstrual education.

Now more than ever, we need to shift the shame, fear and deeply compromised attitudes and information that heavily burden our most precious and life-changing gift: sex. 

This is our true road to freedom..



Paying it forward here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

To check out what El Comparte Project is, who is involved and to express your interest in getting involved

Click Here!

NEW! Subscribe to my Substack Podcast

As someone who subscribes to my pleasurable muses monthly or yearly you will be rewarded with the how-to and any homeplay I give for you to try at home that is indicative to that week's intro video.
Special launch bonus: become a paid subscriber by the end of June '24 and get my Pleasure Masterclass bundle valued at €135 for free. But don't worry, there is plenty of juicy stuff available for regular subscribers too💋